How to use AirDrop on your iPhone or Mac?

How to use Airdrop on iphone or Mac?
How to use Airdrop on iphone or Mac?
how to Use Airdrop on iphone or Mac !

Appearing for the first time on iPhones with iOS 7 as well as on Macs running OS X Lion, the AirDrop feature developed by Apple offers the user the ability to exchange content with another nearby Apple device via the Finder or Control Center. So let’s see how to use this practical and functional application on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Mac.

How does AirDrop work?

By activating AirDrop on your iPhone or Mac, it searches for the device nearby using a Bluetooth or Wifi connection to send it the content of your files using an encryption method that makes the sharing secure.

How to configure and activate Airdrop on your device?

How to activate it on Mac

To Enable AirDrop on Mac or iMac, click Desktop to activate the Finder, select Go > AirDrop.

The AirDrop window will open and in case your Wifi or Bluetooth connection is disabled, a button will allow you to activate it.

You can also access AirDrop on your Mac via a Mac shortcut. By simultaneously typing ⇧ ⌘ R, you will arrive directly in the application.

How to activate it on iPhone?

Afin de pouvoir utiliser AirDrop, il est nécessaire que vous ayez un compte iCloud.

Pour l’activer sur votre iPhone, rendez-vous dans Réglages > Général > AirDrop > Activer la réception. Les iPhone et iPad utilisent les mêmes réglages.

Is AirDrop Windows available?

Thanks to the partnership between Samsung and Microsoft, file exchange is possible in the same way as with Apple’s AirDrop between a Windows PC and a Samsung smartphone via the “Your Phone” service, which also allows you to send messages from your computer.

Is AirDrop Android available?

AirDrop is a technology exclusively reserved for aircraft from the brand to the apple. Nevertheless, Android, which is the operating system of the giant Google, now offers a similar application to transfer files from one device to another with Nearby Share, which uses a Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, WebRTC or Wi-Fi P2P connection to exchange photos, videos and other documents without even needing an internet connection.

Available for smartphones that integrate Android 6 and later versions, it is also recently available on Chromebooks.

Use Airdrop on iphone or Mac

How to use Airdrop to send files?

How to send files on Mac?

To use AirDrop on a Mac, you have two options. For the first one :

  1. Select the file you want to send
  2. Click the Share button in the application window or click the file from the Finder while holding down the Control key and select Share from the pop-up menu.
  3. Among the sharing options available, choose AirDrop
  4. Select your recipient on the page

For the second possibility :

  1. Open an AirDrop window by simultaneously pressing ⇧ ⌘R
  2. Drag files to your recipient

How to send files on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch?

If you want to share files with another Apple device such as an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch via AirDrop, follow these steps:

  1. Select the file you want to share
  2. Click on the Share icon ( ) and select the user with whom you want to share.

And that’s it! The file is already transferred.

How do I receive content via AirDrop?

How to receive files on Mac?

On Mac, when a nearby device wants to transfer files to you via AirDrop, the request appears as a notification in the app window. You can accept or decline the content. Once accepted, it will be saved in the downloads folder by default.

How to receive files on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch?

When someone wants to share content with you through the AirDrop application, you receive an alert message on your iPhone, iPad or iTouch with a small preview of what you will receive. This message will give you the option to Accept or Decline it. Logically, if you select Decline, the file will be rejected. On the other hand, if you choose Accept, you will receive the file.

Where to find the files transferred by AirDrop on an iPhone?

If the download folder is the central location for Macs, on iPhone, AirDropped files will be located in different places depending on the type of file being saved.

Photos and videos transferred to your device via AirDrop will thus appear in the Photos app, while other files such as PDF, doc, text, etc. will give you the possibility to open and store them in different options.

Use Airdrop on iphone or Mac !

How to change your AirDrop settings?

How to change the settings on Mac?

To change the name of your Mac to easily and wirelessly send your photos, documents, text, etc. to an iPhone, iPad or iPad Touch via AirDrop,

  1. From the menu bar, select System Preferences
  2. Click on Share
  3. Enter the name you wish to use
  4. Close the window

On the Mac, the visibility of your AirDrop application is determined as follows: Open Finder > Tap on AirDrop > Click on Allow me to be discovered by Person/Contacts only/All > select your option

How to change the settings on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch?

Since Apple has made the (wrong) choice to assign the same name to its devices by default, i.e. iPhone for apple brand smartphones for example, confusion can quickly set in if you find yourself in a busy place and you have not customized your device. To avoid such a situation and customize the name of your AirDrop, follow these few steps:

  1. Open the settings on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
  2. Click on General
  3. Scroll down to Information
  4. Click on Name
  5. Give your device the name you want to use

You can also, via the AirDrop application, choose to be visible by Person, Contacts Only or Everyone. To determine this visibility, open Settings > General > AirDrop > Select your visibility.

What devices work with AirDrop?

Any Apple device can use AirDrop as long as it is equipped with Bluetooth and Wifi. The two devices using this application for file transfer must be within nine meters of each other so that a firewall can be created around the Wi-Fi connection and the data can be encrypted.

Thus, iPhone 5 and above, iPad 4 and above, iPad Mini, iPod Touch 5 and above and Macs with 10.7 and above can use AirDrop.

What to do when AirDrop doesn't work?

If you find that your AirDrop application does not work, try these tips:

  1. Check that Bluetooth and Wifi are activated on the two devices that wish to exchange or receive
  2. Ensure that all personal access points are disabled.
  3. Make sure that the two devices are within nine meters of each other.
  4. Make sure both devices are connected to iCloud
  5. If you see that Reception is turned off on your smartphone, iPad or iPod Touch and you can’t press to change it, click Settings > Screen Time > Content and Privacy Restrictions > Allowed Applications > make sure AirDrop is turned on
  • On the Mac, from the menu, go to System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Click the Firewall tab > Lock > Uncheck Block all incoming connections.


So, are you ready to make more use of this feature now?


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