How many liters do I use for a shower? What about my relatives? How much does it cost me? Can I do less? If answering these questions seems useful to you, for the planet and your bank account, then you will love the Hydrao connected showerhead. It works without batteries, installs in a minute, and informs you of your water consumption. And if the idea is brilliant, Hydrao is too.
Our opinion on the Hydrao showerhead
Created a year ago by a French engineer, the Smart & Blue company may have launched one of the only connected objects to require no batteries. But above all, this object speaks immediately to each of us and is very useful. It’s not a question of creating water police at home, but of managing and reducing water consumption in a fun and enlightened way.
Why we crack

Why I'm cracking up...
- To show the teenager who stays an hour in the shower what it feels like in bed (and in euros).
- To carry out a good ecological action as a family
- Because the idea is simple, bright and cheap
Why I hesitate...
- I like to shower in the dark
The economy
On average, 80 liters of water are consumed per shower, which takes about 5 minutes. However, for the sake of study, everyone will appreciate the time they spend in the shower. There are already showers that allow you to reduce the flow rate or are equipped with a timer. But the whole remains mechanical and rather austere. Out the objective here is, thanks to the application, to discover in the home what is consumed per shower. And, by setting your price per m3, to know how much each one costs the household. For Hydrao and a household of 4 people and as many showers per day, the savings can exceed two hundred euros per year. You might as well say that, according to studies, young people are the longest (ah?)

A set of lights in the shower
And the young person, always, to retort: “Uh, that’s nice, but how do I know that I’m consuming too much? Not even a watch”.
That’s where Hydrao had the bright idea to include a light that will change its color according to consumption. And everything is customizable from the app, the volume as well as the color. Up to 50 liters? It will be green. Between 50 and 70? blue. Up to 80? Orange. More than 80? Then it will be red.
Hydrao is therefore a smart object, currently on sale and a new version will be released in the fall. But this one already works very well…